KARAOKE TEARS® Featured BeerLimitedSeasonalHazy Ipa Oct 13 Written By Katie Hovland HAZY INDIA PALE ALE 7.5% ABV After a brief hiatus — and some singing lessons — Karaoke Tears is back. We are always looking for ways to make our beer your new fave, and we think this batch of KT hits that high note that will keep you crooning long into the night. Featured BeersHazy IPA Katie Hovland
KARAOKE TEARS® Featured BeerLimitedSeasonalHazy Ipa Oct 13 Written By Katie Hovland HAZY INDIA PALE ALE 7.5% ABV After a brief hiatus — and some singing lessons — Karaoke Tears is back. We are always looking for ways to make our beer your new fave, and we think this batch of KT hits that high note that will keep you crooning long into the night. Featured BeersHazy IPA Katie Hovland